About us
We have been teaching Yoga in the Ennstal since 2013. We are Andrea Pürcher and Vanessa Polzer. Martina Schrempf has been supporting us since the beginning of 2019. Julia Unterberger and Florian Kriz are our Newcomers from Portugal.
Yogamastazz expands for You – with a great range of Yoga.
How we would like to share yoga with you
The high art in yoga and in life is to adapt to the constant changes.
Our way of teaching adapts to the individual to respect him in his uniqueness.
Meet your inner master, that deeper reality alive in all of us.
Track your inner truth and wisdom, come into contact with it and learn to recognize your own nature in order to live and act out of it, that is the concern of Yoga.
Aspects of our teaching are the happy effort and rhythm to find the key to a successful and fulfilling yoga practice. Mindfulness at the physical, energetic and mental level opens up infinite possibilities for you to perform and have simply different yoga experiences.
The Yogamastazz Team

Andrea Pürcher
Lomi Lomi Nui, Body work, Energetics, Spiritual healing and Yoga.
For 10 Years now, I have been allowed to teach Yoga, grateful to pass on my knowledge and help many people with it.
I completed my Apprenticeships at St. Georgen Castle in Austria. Various kinds of yoga have shaped my own yoga style. I was allowed to attend seminars and trainings for Ana T. Forrest, with Remo Rittiner, Young Ho Kim, Alexey Gaevskij, Dr. Peter Pöckh, Dr. Visit Andreas Goldammer, Christiane Wolff, Katchi Ananda and then create my own yoga in a creative way. It’s a gift to give yoga pregnancy classes and to include HypnoBirthing techniques for a more peaceful self determined birth experience.
Yoga is gentle, that above all else. It always works with the body, never against it. The nice thing is that when you engage in that gentleness, you will experience how the power and strength of your body reveals itself.
These words speak to me from the soul. With my heart, I would like to make a contribution to peaceful coexistence and to be able to live after it.

Vanessa Polzer
Ski-, swimming and yoga instructor – for children and adults. One leads for me to the other and connects.
Yoga changed my life. The training in the USA as a Vinyasa Yoga teacher led me back home to Styria. When I arrived at home, the love for children made me choose the profession of ski and swimming instructor. This was followed by many seminars and training with Dr. Peter Pöckh, Dr. Andreas Goldammer, Katchi Ananda, Christiane Wolff, Young Ho Kim, Alexey Gaevskij and Remo Rittiner. Through many different styles, I found my own yoga path.
Music runs through my whole life, and so I associate Vinyasa Yoga with Inside Yoga (Young Ho Kim). Therapeutic yoga is also close to my heart, as I am allowed to help many people in stressful or painful life situations.
Teaching yoga in pregnancy opens the cycle, with the children I am allowed to grow, and with the Adults the yoga circle closes.
The children’s yoga education completed my path as I consider It very important to give children an idea of mindfulness and respect for themselves and others. So that they can survive in our world and be ready to live in a peaceful and consistent way with wature.
Our dear Vanessa is expecting her baby in 2022 and is already on maternity leave.
We will inform you in good time when Vanessa’s courses will start again.

Julia Unterberger
Designer, Creativity Coach – Healing Art, Energetic Healing SDGH, HypnoBirthing course leader from June 2019.
Creativity is the key to the true self – every person is highly talented in a particular field. My vision is to support people in rediscovering their creative talents and giving them more space in their own lives.
‚Do more of what makes you happy‘
I have been practicing yoga with passion since 2012. Vinyasa yoga and Acro yoga are my preferred styles. As an energetic healer, I support people in activating their self-healing powers and understanding which messages their body wants to draw attention to with health challenges.
After the wonderful home birth of my first daughter with ‚HypnoBirthing‘ I felt the urgent need to offer more people the tools for a self-determined, painless, relaxed and primal trust-shaped birth. Therefore, I will become a HypnoBirthing course leader in June 2019.

Move your Body – Move your Mind

Florian Kriz
Outdoor guide and nature lover